Pool Passes App
A contacts management system purpose built to digitize the process of verifying season passes for my local public pool.
When I first moved out to rural Saskatchewan, I worked as a lifeguard at the outdoor pool during the summer. The town provided a service of selling season passes, so that patrons could make a one time payment for unlimited access to the facility for the duration of the season.
At the time, the record of these season pass holders was written out as plain text, then printed and given to the pool staff. This made the process of verifying a pass holder extremely tedious, and added complications as new patrons purchased passes later in the season. with my skills in programming, I sought to digitize this system to streamline the process of verifying and managing pass holders.
New pass holders can be added with the push of a button, allowing staff to enter their name, contact information and pass type. To verify pass holders, staff need only to begin typing in part of a patrons name or phone number, and the list will shrink to show the possible matches. This made it much easier to quickly find a patron on the list and let them through without needing to memorize names and faces.
Staff can also sort the list by first name, last name, or pass type.
On the settings page, staff can enable the ability to edit and delete entries. Having these features enabled from a separate page eliminated the risk of accidental deletion. From the settings page, staff can also delete all entries to start fresh at the beginning of a new season.
Tech Stack
The Pool Passes App is built using React typescript and SASS. It uses local storage as its database and is packaged as a desktop application using Electron.
final notes:
Pool Passes App was a fun quick project to do that had immediate utility for the pool staff.
As my first Typescript project, I learned the basics of type safety and using interface declarations. I also took advantage of React Context and custom hooks to make development more streamlined
All in all, building Pool Passes App was a great opportunity to learn some more technologies and provide value to my community!